Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's the time for setting intentions.

Recipe: Rockin' Paleo Nog

I prefer the description 'setting intentions' to the more common 'making resolutions'. You can make or break a resolution, but intending toward something is much less black and white. It allows for the possibility that while you may not always be perfect at what you're intending toward, heading in the direction of the change you desire is enough. It feels kinder to me. If you break a resolution, the temptation can be to give up, to think you've failed.

I realize most of you may have already made your resolutions by the time you read this. I encourage you to check in with how you've framed the changes you'd like to make. Are you being kind to yourself with them? Are they realistic? Are they really what you want to do, or are they what you think you should be doing? Perhaps what someone else thinks you should be doing?

Are you getting support in making these changes, either within your community or professionally? There is no shame in asking for help.

Whatever your intentions, may they truly support you in moving toward health and happiness. May you learn from the process of working and playing with them. May you experience deep transformation.

And may you feel the Love.

Rockin' Paleo Nog

Low Carb, Gluten-free, Dairy-free and GAPS friendly

I realize it's a little late in the season, but folks, this is worth making anytime in the winter. It's a great breakfast (yes, you read that correctly) with no sugar, eggs, and coconut milk. What could be better for you?

* 4 egg yolks from pastured eggs
* 2 1/2 tsp Stevita brand stevia extract - if using a glycerite, you will probably need less
* 1 cup coconut yogurt
* 2 cups coconut milk
* (or use 3 cups coconut milk and 2 Tbsp lemon juice)
* 1 tsp alcohol free vanilla
* 1 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
* 4 egg whites from pastured eggs


In the bowl of a stand mixer, beat the egg yolks and stevia until they lighten in color. Add the coconut milk, yogurt and nutmeg and stir to combine.

Place the egg whites in the bowl of a stand mixer and beat until stiff peaks form.

Whisk the egg whites into the mixture. Chill and serve.

This post is a part of Real Food Wednesdays, hosted by Kelly the Kitchen Kop

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